
PROBATION junior is an Open Access scientific journal in the criminal justice arena for young researchers. It is our hope that PROBATION junior will generate a mechanism for younger researchers to come together to critically analyse the criminal justice system and generate a new vision for its future. Additionally, we hope that PROBATION junior will help encapsulate passion and dedication from the younger generation to take the criminal justice system to a new and improved course.

In March of 2009, the concept for the journal became real. The inaugural edition of PROBATION junior was released in October 2009, with subsequent quarterly releases, and supported in four languages: English, French, Spanish, and Romanian. Starting with the 3rd Volume, 2011, onward, the journal began publishing two issues per year (15 of October and 15 of April).

PROBATION junior is a Double Blind Peer-Reviewed academic journal, on its website being published only those materials (e.g. essays, research projects, book reviews, analyses of current phenomenons, projects presentation and / or analysis, finalised studies, analytical photography, and panels), who are evaluated and revised by a Team of Referees from the Scientific Board.